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EcoMagazin - Ecologie si Protectia Mediului

Sannitree Oxy-Gen-Ator

Sannitree Oxy-Gen-Ator
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Pret: 957,00 Ron
Disponibilitate: In Stoc
Model: san_008
Producator: Sannitree
Rating Mediu: Fara Rating


Aerobic bacteria that reduces C.O.D. levels.

Oxy-Gen-Ator Granules are an aggressive mix of aerobic bacteria and enzymes that thrive under
aerobic conditions and is used in aeration treatment dams that suffer from a suspended solids overload that has led to bad odours, high COD levels, scum layer or algae blooms.

- Reduces COD/ BOD levels and the resulting fines
- Reduces H2S, ammonia and other toxic odours in the pond
- Prevents solids build up on base of pond
- Reduces algae build up 
- Reduces de-sludging frequency
- Economical
- Easy to use
- Improved overall water quality

- Perfect for aeration dams / oxidation dams
- Perfect for sewage package plants
- Perfect for trickle towers

Power aeration is vital for the bacteria to breed.
Mix Oxy-Gen-Ator with water that has been scooped out of the dam.
Pour the mixture around the edge of the pond or near a suitable inlet pipe.           

Ask your Sannitree representative for exact dosage amounts.

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